Thinking Of a New Hot Water System? Consider Going Tankless

When deliberating the installation of a hot water system, it is easy to be tempted to replace your old one with a traditional hot water tank. While tanks are the standard option, new technology has brought about tankless heaters that are just as efficient, if not more, than their conventional counterparts are. So before you decide on what hot water system you want to be installed, read on for why you should be considering tankless hot water systems for your household.

What to Do if You Suspect a Hidden Water Leak at Home

Have you noticed how quiet it can be late at night when you first lie down in your bed? The hustle and bustle of the daily grind seem a long way away and you're grateful for some peace and quiet, so you can finally get some rest. However, something seems to be amiss as there is a strange hissing noise that seems to be coming from beneath the floorboards. Is this something you should investigate, or is it a figment of your imagination?

How to Keep Your Plumber For Life

Imagine coming home to find your kitchen sink leaking or even worse your home flooded in water due to a broken faucet. In such instances, you will urgently require the services of a plumber. You must, therefore, have a personal plumber who can respond to your various needs. Finding the right plumber can be a hectic job, the following are qualities of a good plumber. Your plumber should have a good reputation, should be experienced and qualified to practise all kinds of plumbing works.

Everyday Household Activities that Cause Blocked Drains

As a plumbing emergency that often builds up slowly, blocked drains can wreak havoc throughout your home. At first, you might notice that your water is taking a little longer to drain. After a short while, gurgling sounds and odd smells should start to raise alarm bells. Before you reach the stage where you need to call an emergency plumber, you may want to learn more about what causes drains to block in the first place.

Toilet options to install for your commercial premises

Toilets for commercial uses are quite different from residential toilets. Commercial toilets often need to be more efficient in their use of water, less prone to damage, and easier to clean/maintain. More efficient toilet designs are being introduced into the market for commercial applications. They are less prone to leaking, are easier for many different people to use, and enable building owners to save on water consumption costs. This article will explore some of the most useful commercial toilets available today.

What Might Be Causing a Property's Septic System to Fail

A high-quality septic system that is well-maintained by a homeowner should last for many years, if not even decades, before it needs major repair work or outright replacement. However, once you notice leaks from the septic tank or odours inside the home that are coming from the septic system, it's time to call a repairperson. Note a few issues that often cause a septic system to fail, so you can avoid these as much as possible, and also know what types of repairs might be needed to your septic system and even to the lawn around the tank and pipes.

Why That Small Plumbing Job May Not Be Small After All

To avoid the repair bill from a professional plumber or to get the work done quickly, often some homeowners prefer handling plumbing jobs by themselves, especially the "small" problems. However, it's also not unusual for them to call a plumber after they've supposedly handled that plumbing job. They could have either made the problem worse or overlooked some areas that needed repair. Check out these times when a so-called small plumbing job may not be small, and why you might want to call an emergency plumber to handle it instead.